Depression During Pregnancy

Common Symptoms of During Pregnancy

According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists between 14 - 23% of women will have some symptoms of depression during pregnancy. Depression during pregnancy, also known as antepartum depression, is a biological illness caused by changes in brain chemistry. While frequent moods swings can be a normal part of pregnancy, antepartum depression last more than two weeks and has some of the following symptoms:

- Sadness that does not go away

- Sleeping too much or insomnia

- Loss of interest in activities

- Loss of appetite or increased hunger

- Recurring thoughts of hopelessness or death

- Anxiety

- Difficulty focusing

Understanding depression During Pregnancy

In Chinese Medicine, depression during pregnancy is due to imbalances between the organ systems of the heart and liver in particular. The heart houses the mind or spirit, while the liver ensures the free flow of qi. If the heart is unable to properly house the spirit, it results in inability to focus, poor memory, or unbalanced emotions. If the liver qi is constrained then irritability, moodiness, depression, and frustration will manifest. Acupuncture treatments, designed according to the individual’s diagnosis, return the organ systems to a state of balance thus regulating the mood.

How can acupuncture help?

Many women diagnosed with antepartum depression seek natural means of treatment since there are still unknowns about the effects antidepressants have on fetal development.

Acupuncture has proven to be a safe and effective treatment for depression during pregnancy. In fact, some research shows that acupuncture is just as effective as antidepressants.

Acupuncture regulates endogenous opioids and opioid receptors that play a part in depression. Additionally, it appears that acupuncture affects the hippocampus in the brain. This area of the brain is smaller in people with depression. Acupuncture also affects the HPA axis and regulates neurotransmitters that regulate mood.

Acupuncture has proven to be a safe and effective treatment for depression during pregnancy. In fact, some research shows that acupuncture is just as effective as antidepressants...’

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